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Procurement Notice

In this section, CABEI makes available the notices of national and international biddings and competitions, executed in the framework of the projects financed with it´s resources under the responsibility of the Executing Agencies and in compliance with the procedures established in the Procurement regulations of CABEI.

IDNotice TitleCountryPublication dateReception dateRemaining days
5551 Ultrasound Acquisition Nicaragua 30/01/2025 17/03/2025 29
5540 Comprehensive Expansion and Refurbishment of School Buildings in the Province of Jujuy on 2 lots - Lot No. 1: Expansion and Refurbishment of School No. 28 "Presidente Avellaneda"; Expansion and Refurbishment of School No. 207 "Gral. de Brigada Armando Pedro Pio Martijena" and of the Independent Kindergarten No. 23. Lot No. 2: Expansion and Refurbishment of School No. 455 and of the Independent Kindergarten No. 47; Expansion and Refurbishment of School No. 468 and of the Independent Kindergarten No. 7 Argentina 20/12/2024 20/02/2025 4
5534 Hiring of: LOT No. 1 "Comprehensive Exp. and Refacc. School No. 235 "Chubut Province" and "Comprehensive Exp. and Refacc. School No. 322 "Luis Agostini"; Lot No. 2 "Comprehensive Exp. and Refacc. School No. 8 "Escolástico Zegada" and JI No. 42" and "Comprehensive Exp. and Refacc. School No. 365 "Eduardo Calsina" Argentina 20/12/2024 20/02/2025 4
5470 Hiring a comprehensive cybersecurity solution for Quick Service Centers Argentina 02/01/2025 18/02/2025 2
9547 Expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in the city of Managua. Nicaragua 27/11/2024 24/02/2025 8
9608 Expansion and Improvement of the Sanitary Sewerage Network and Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ciudad Sandino-Managua Nicaragua 18/12/2024 28/03/2025 40
9635 Contracting of Studies, Design and Construction of Hydraulic and Stabilization Works CA – Lot 5-1 2024-LPN-002-PROERI-CONAVI Costa Rica 20/01/2025 24/02/2025 8
9636 Supervision Service for public works in the regions of 1-Central, 2-Chorotega, 3-Central Pacific, 4-Brunca, 5-Huetar Atlántico and 6-Huetar Norte No. 2024CPI-0007-PROERI-CONAVI Costa Rica 20/01/2025 24/02/2025 8
9638 Equipment to Support the Strengthening of the Orality Model and Institutional Communications Infrastructure No. LPI-10-2025 Guatemala 21/01/2025 07/03/2025 19
9639 Enabling of Digital Certification Services of the Judicial Body No. LPI-11-2025 Guatemala 21/01/2025 10/03/2025 22
9649 Contracting of studies, design and construction of rehabilitation and reconstruction works on bridges PU-Lote 5-3, Nº2024LPI-0039-PROERI-CONAVI Costa Rica 27/01/2025 21/02/2025 5
9655 Contracting of studies, designs and construction of stabilization works CA-Lot 3-4 No. 2024LPI-0042-PROERI-CONAVI Costa Rica 03/02/2025 21/02/2025 5
9662 Contracting of Studies, design and construction of rehabilitation works on bridges PU-Lot 4-2 Costa Rica 06/02/2025 05/03/2025 17
9663 Contracting of studies, design and construction of works on PU bridges - Lot 6-2 Costa Rica 06/02/2025 05/03/2025 17
9672 Environmental education plan and development of socio-environmental capacities for public educational centers in the area of influence of the flood control system project in the Limoncito River area, Limón Costa Rica 12/02/2025 17/03/2025 29
IDNotice TitleCountryPublication dateReception dateRemaining days